What does this gospel have to do with me? The gospel tells us the pharisees followed Jewish laws and questioned Jesus. The message of God questions all of us. The perspectives they had about the law was different from Jesus, who only taught love of God and neighbor. Jews applied all laws. Why did the disciples not apply the washing hands law? They followed their perspectives as we do. The pharisees were obsessed eventually bringing Jesus to the cross. Why are we so obsessed sometimes, very often? Where does it lead us? Why were the disciples not observing the law? Why does not everyone see as we do? Jesus said you abandoned the commandment of God and follow elders' perspective. In every situation we need to put pur perspectives side by side with God's will. If scripture is summarized to two commandments it should be about love of God and neighbor. Why am I obsessed in a married situation, what am I imagining? Maybe it is a misunderstanding that can be corrected. Why am I so obsessed? Because someone is annoying me? Are you satisfying love of God and neighbor? Jesus indicated to have the right perspective, let us go to the will of God. Only two steps are needed: acknowledge that our perspective can be limited since we assign importance to peripherals. Our perspective can be wrong. And God's perspective cannot be acquired alone but it is saught in prayer. We should listen to God's word every day. Jesus challenges them. He says the heart is more important. St. James says otherwise we may be doing a lip service by not doing what we should. We hear and should understand, put it into practice. People will criticise preachers and congregations. What does preaching do when people continue to sin? The preacher says you have to apply the message. We pray to continue to listen to the word of God to be converted and to bring others to conversion and may God bless us in this regard.
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