Others followed and copied and translated the gospels. It is no good unless you listen or read it yourself, the Bible that means library because it is a collection sacred to Jews and Christians. The majority is from Jewish scholars. The back part is the New Testament that teaches what Jesus told them. You do not have to start with Genesis. The book is a collection of all kinds of writing. You need to read the introduction before each book. If you read a law book you do not read it the same way as you read a mystery. As with a newspaper, you know where to find sections, as with the Bible that is why you read the introduction. Do I understand what the author writes? You should not read it completely at one sitting. But all kinds of valuable information is there. Luke tells us to read and understand and follow teachings. Read a little at a time and you will be hooked, a new hobby that does not require anything but you. The message today is to read your Bible, if you can read the newspaper you can read the Bible. We have the tools to find the Lord. Let us pray.