God has betrothed his people, marriage used as a connection to God. A priest does wedding preparation. A couple came in and asked questions wanting to go deeper. What is a sacrament? A visible sign giving grace, visible grace. Where did Christ institute marriage as a sacrament in scripture? We discussed the wedding in Cana. Weddings were many days in ancient Israel. Running out of food or wine would be embarrassing to the couple. Mary notices and goes to Jesus, who gives a strange response. How does he respond? He is not rude. He is using messianic language. Woman is like Eve was described as Woman. Christ serves the best wine, his grace. The bridegroom serves the wine usually. Jesus was there for the couple and will be there for you, as will be Mary. John is demonstrating that Jesus is the bridegroom with cross will be sacrament. The sacrament of giving body and blood is the sacrament equivalent to a marriage, a sacrament of love. Let us go and understand the lord came and betrothed us.