We should ask questions about feasts at church. We do not seem to ask questions. We have expectations that we know everything at church. Google or YouTube to nourish your faith. We struggle to share our faith. This feast of christ of the universe was put in by the Bishops to tell kings god is above everything. Constantine converted at the time. The church began to tell people what to do. The robes priests wear are connected to Christ as a king. People unfortunately act elite as a result. In some cultures, this feast is a big feast with people celebrating in the streets. If we get people to reflect on who is christ, we should understand christ is the first. We have the liturgical calendar for us to journey with christ to be like christ. We have the whole liturgical year to reflect on God and in advent we reflect on the coming of christ. The gospel reflects on why christ came. Christmas teaches how to live our lives. God came to model for us how to live. Then we reflect how God lived. He modeled for us showing what is love, putting our lives on the line. Now we spend the next weeks how christ lived day to day. He was there for everyone. The feast of christ the universe is the end of the year. Reflect, did I follow christ? How do we become better Christians? Sometimes we shut christ off. Do not shut christ off. I hope we live like christ outside of mass. If prayer is too heavy, we are doing it wrong. How do I genuinely speak to god every day? Prayer is just talking and listening to God. At the end of the year, we are proud to follow christ. Come to church for self salvation. Pray we understand why we are Christians and continue to travel with christ. Thank God for the gift of his word and grace to be better Christians.
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